Vidya Raman Leadership Programs

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Transform Teams with our


With a wealth of corporate leadership experience, Vidya has crafted her signature 'Leader Builder' program. These dynamic offerings seamlessly fuse education with inspiration, empowering leaders to unlock their full potential and elevate team performance, one client at a time.

Let's Get Started

"Vidya was one of the shining stars of the entire Conference. She was 100% professional. She came prepared. And she delivered in spades. Wow! Everyone was moved by Vidya's speech; they were inspired, they learned a lot. She gave them a skill set that will last them a lifetime. I will recommend Vidya Raman every opportunity I get. I look forward to Vidya coming to Dubai to speak." 

- Paddy Kennedy, Speaker Chair

World Women Organization's Global Leadership Conference





Vidya Portrait

Meet Vidya Raman Employee Engagement Speaker and Coach

Speaker  | Coach |  Author   

Hello! I'm Vidya Raman, a speaker, coach, and author with 25+ years of corporate experience. As a seasoned executive who has worn many hats in my long career, I bring a unique perspective to my engagements. Most importantly, I am called to inspire, energize, and transform.

The primary objective of my programs is to build connected and productive teams, elevate professional excellence, and raise engagement levels. The outcome is always higher productivity and performance that comes with Professional Excellence!

Every program is carefully crafted to build an Ownership Culture at a grassroots level. When an employee starts showing up as an owner, significant productivity gains are not far behind. 

I partner with organizations to help them build highly productive teams. Adaptability, Personal Responsibility, Effective Communication, Meaningful Collaboration, and Emotional Intelligence are the foundational building blocks.

Yes, there are other experts in this field but what DIFFERENTIATES me is my capacity to connect deeply and leave a lasting impact.

As a passionate student of human motivation, my coaching sessions always deliver on the promise of inspiring commitment, instilling ownership, and increasing performance. I offer both onsite and virtual programs.

Vidya Raman Speaker

Transform Your Teams by

Boosting Positivity and Performance 

Inspire and engage your workplace like never before. Invite Vidya, a passionate leader who stayed in the trenches with her teams and led by example, to speak at your next event! 

Recent workforce studies have shown that employers are struggling to retain and engage their employees. It doesn’t have to be a struggle! These Programs — Keynotes and Workshops — will inspire employees to commit, instill a sense of ownership, and increase performance at work.

In addition to Program 1, Program 2, and Program 3 listed below, Vidya offers insightful, practical, and actionable content related to Emotional Intelligence,  Workplace Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution, Mastering your Mindset, Women in Leadership, and much more. To learn more, click on the "Additional Programs" button below.


Unleashing Influence: Amplify Your Impact With Curiosity, Courage, and Confidence

  • Appreciate the value of integrating curiosity into your toolkit for enhanced awareness, and adaptability, and to foster better collaboration at work.
  • Embrace courage as a regular practice and it will open doors to previously unavailable opportunities.
  • Build a more confident version of yourself by developing your competence, stepping out of your comfort zone, and practicing self-compassion.
  • Leave with several ‘Call to Action’ and ‘Next Practice’ strategies for crafting a roadmap to a more impactful and effective you.

Connected for Success: Maximizing Outcomes Through Stronger Work Relationships

  • Choose an approach to finding common ground with others for effective win-win partnerships.
  • Recognize the value in people and become more empathetic.
  • Put more energy, intention, and thought into connecting and communicating well with others.

Become Unstoppable: Building a Strong Foundation for Career Success

  • Learn a simple approach toward personal growth and fulfillment.
  • Discover actionable strategies to create a personalized roadmap to show up as the best version of yourself.
  • Leave feeling empowered with a renewed vision of how to find meaning and leave an impact.


Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Project Management Professional (PMP)

Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM-communication and leadership)

Maxwell Leadership Certified Coach

Looking for a captivating speaker with deep corporate leadership experience? Look no further!

Vidya is a student of human motivation and helping corporate employees become more effective at work is her passion. Her impact will be evident in the energy and participation level in the room. Vidya's corporate leadership provides an informed perspective on leadership, performance, and productivity. What she offers are simple, practical, and usable techniques that can be applied immediately.

In an era where 60% of employees are disengaged, Vidya partners with organizations to curate a culture that fosters engaged and empowered teams. Her mission is to help corporate employees develop an owner's mindset to scale new heights in performance and satisfaction.

Learn More

Attendee survey comments

‘Super Engaging’, ‘Captivating’, ‘very informative and engaging’, ‘I loved this. I am motivated and inspired by this content.’ ‘I enjoyed listening to the personal experiences with relative talking points.‘, ‘Content and discussion from this session will not only help me become a better PM, I believe it will also help me be a better person and live a fuller life. THANK YOU!’, ‘Dynamic and powerful’

- Survey comments shared by PMI Event Organizer

About Vidya Raman

How May I Serve You?

First, let's start with a question.

For your next event, do you want an expert whose content is immediately forgotten OR an expert with real-life experiences whose message resonates and brings about real change? 

Yes, there are many experts in this field but what differentiates me is my capacity to connect deeply and leave a lasting impact. 

I engage the audience with real-life work examples and bring energy to every speaking opportunity. I have honed my skills over the years in corporate life and have delivered impactful speeches to many audiences of different backgrounds. I am confident that I can deliver a powerful message that will resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Every Program Customized for You

Before every engagement, Vidya conducts an in-depth interview with the event organizer after she receives a response to her customization questionnaire from the client. 

Areas explored are: 

  • Who is the audience? 
  • Why did you choose this theme? 
  • What do you want the audience to feel, think, learn, experience? 
  • What are their challenges? 
  • For my program to be considered a success, what results do you want to see? 

After careful review, Vidya creates a custom program based on our discussion. She selects the stories, examples, and interactive elements to take your audience on an experiential journey. 

Throughout and following the presentation, attendees experience a surge of energy, inspiration, and motivation. They leave feeling as though they've connected with a caring friend and coach. Their belief in the potential for change is renewed, and they're empowered to take action. Eager to begin, they now possess a straightforward, effective, and enduring plan and technique.



Speaker Headshot Gallery for Event Planners

WIN-WIN Strategies for an Engaged Workforce

Reach Out to Vidya Raman today to gain the advantage and achieve ultimate success.

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